Monday, February 23, 2009



maturity. what defines maturity? what makes a person matured? age? looks? life experience? hmmm. i have no idea. just today, someone said that i seems to be more matured than a 30 years old guy. errmmm. i'm only 26 this October. am i look that old? older than my age? what makes her said that? its not that im offended, im actually flattered.

its not the 1st time people said that to me. most people who starting to know me would ask me twice when i told them my age and im not yet married. there are also person that asked how many children i had. i just smile and said im still a bachelor. heheh.

if you know me, you would have sumthing to say about this right? if you dont, its okies. let me just tell you why i think they thought im older than my age. ermmm. but on second thought, i think i shouldn't. im afraid there would be misunderstanding if i spill my thought.
so, thats it. why people said my maturity doesn't suit my age? i'm still wondering.....



LeLs said...

biasa lah..

kenkadang sonok gak org kata ko matured..takde ar kalo gi wayang yang 18sg tu,penjual tiket tu ragu2 and suh bagi ic..

kenkadang tak sonok gak org kata ko matured..sebab dah ar ko single..nanti pompuan berkenan ngan ko pun terpakse lupakan niat utk berkenalan sebab dorg ingat ko dah kawen..

penyelesaian masalah : ko pakai baju t-shirt yang tulis 'AKU BUJANG LAGI..SILA LAH BERKENALAN'..for sure ramai yang nak kenal..

kesimpulan : bersyukur je lah ape yang ade..jodoh ko belum sampai lagi lah tuh..bukan sebab muka ko matured ko tade awek..ramai pompuan suka lelaki matured skang nih..jgn risau..


p/s : still tak puas hati dgn penjual tiket wayang itu..haaiiisshhhh....~

:+: seksiteri a.k.a. m2n :+: said...

sumone has told me; man will lost their maturity when they're falling in luv..

aku tgk muker ko elok jer, just suit to ur age.. sapa la pandai2 ckp muka ko mcm org dah kawin.. meh sini aku hempuk orang tu.. uishh.. ganaznya aku.. hahaha

eh.. apa aku merepek nih...