Monday, November 24, 2008

tertensen sekejap


hahahaha. mesti ade yg tak paham kot ngan tajuk tu. tertensen?? ape tu? huhuhu. tension la. terbengang and terbengong kejap td. pasal keje la ape lg. tp sekejap je. then dah ok dah. sorry if ade sape2 yg terkena fire or terase ngan aku td.

aku tak suka bile byk bende nak dibuat and diubah di saat akhir. but what to do, saya yang menurut perintah. and aku tak suka org tinggikan suara kat aku or dlm kata lain mcm marah2 kat aku walhal its not my fault. tp aku tak marah balik la. biasenye aku senyap jer. klu aku marah balik td lain plak jadinye. so let it be je la. malas nak panjang2 kan. biase la kot saat genting mcm nih. byk sgt keje nak kene buat dlm masa yg singkat hujung2 tahun nih. mmg aku tgh busy giler skrg nih. and maybe org lain pun mcm tu jugak. so sometime explosion happens. so can't blame them. just put myself in their shoes and i should understand. :) we're just human. making mistake is normal. the important thing is to learn from that mistake and make sure not to do it again.

life is precious. enjoy your life the way you like it. the way you want it.


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